Dr. Shawn Desai, Ph.D., J.D., N.R.C.C
High Complexity Medical Lab Director - **Available as Director**
**Will Travel Nationwide**
CLIA | Lab Setup | PCR | Tox
High Complexity Medical Lab Director - **Available as Director**
**Will Travel Nationwide**
CLIA | Lab Setup | PCR | Tox
I am a board certified CLIA high complexity medical laboratory director through the National Registry of Certified Chemists. I am available across the U.S. as a part time CLIA laboratory director for reference or physician office labs as well as hospital laboratories.
I also consult on lab setup including licensing, test selection, reimbursement analysis, equipment selection, software selection, SOPs, personnel selection, and ongoing oversight.
I have over twelve years of experience with clinical testing including toxicology testing with immunoassay screening and mass spectrometry confirmation as well as pharmacogenomics, hereditary cancer screening, molecular microbiology for respiratory, UTI, vaginitis, and GI samples, and blood wellness. I keep up to date on the latest technology and reimbursements.
B.A., Chemistry, University of South Florida
Ph.D., Chemistry, Emory University
J.D., The University of Georgia School of Law
N.R.C.C., National Registry of Certified Chemists
Cell: 678-644-8128
Email: shawndesai@gmail.com
Please download a copy of my CV.
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